Whenever a person goes to sleep, the whole body relaxes, including the muscles, the organs and the bones. During sleep, the vertebra or the backbone lengthens, as fluids begin to fill the gaps in between the bones. Once the person wakes up and starts his daily activities, the fluid that filled the gap between his bones during the night will then start to seep away. Hence, the spine would shrink back to its normal size.
This is the reason why whenever a person tries to measure his height during the morning and compared it to his height during the afternoon or the evening, he or she will see that there is a difference. Hence, the real height is actually measured during the afternoon. Go to http://www.growth-flex.com/ .
Sleep is very important to our bodies, and has a tremendous effect on our growth, and this is not only because we grow taller when we sleep. A person who doesn’t have enough sleep will eventually have a problem with the production of growth hormones in the body. A full eight hours of sleep is essential for growth.
Not only should we have eight hours of sleep, we should have complete rest – this means you cannot have sleeping hours on installment. Furthermore, if a person sleeps later than he used to, this will drastically change his body chemistry, leading to less production of growth hormones again. Young people who are starting to become insomniacs or have the habit of sleeping late should be informed of this matter; else they would regret it later in life.
For adults, since the growth hormone levels are much lesser than teens, it would be best to make use of products that help increase the production of growth hormones. Such product is Growth Flex V Pro System. Visit here at. http://www.growth-flex.com/ .
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